Growth is essential for life. If you stop growing, you start dying. At First Baptist Church, we are intentional to encourage and foster spiritual growth in each member. This is done in a number of ways. First, we expect every member to be regularly reading their Bible and praying. We strongly recommend the Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan. We also encourage members to be studying their small group materials throughout the week, coming prepared to discuss what they have learned from God’s Word. In the past, we have also challenged the congregation to memorize God’s Word. Such personal spiritual growth is how we grow in our love for God.
Community is one the best contexts for personal spiritual growth. We encourage this through participation in a Sunday School class or small group. We also encourage individual members to spend time intentionally discipling one another. This can take place over coffee or while working on a project together. Such discipleship is one way that we fulfill the Great Commission to disciple all people and present them mature in Christ.
We also recognize that one of the ways God helps us to grow is through using our gifts for His glory. This means that we expect every member to be serving in some capacity within the church community. We help prospective members discover their spiritual gift through a combination of taking a Spiritual Gift Inventory and on-the-job training. By using our gifts in service, we are faithful to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Community is one the best contexts for personal spiritual growth. We encourage this through participation in a Sunday School class or small group. We also encourage individual members to spend time intentionally discipling one another. This can take place over coffee or while working on a project together. Such discipleship is one way that we fulfill the Great Commission to disciple all people and present them mature in Christ.
We also recognize that one of the ways God helps us to grow is through using our gifts for His glory. This means that we expect every member to be serving in some capacity within the church community. We help prospective members discover their spiritual gift through a combination of taking a Spiritual Gift Inventory and on-the-job training. By using our gifts in service, we are faithful to love our neighbor as ourselves.