Our Mission

Our mission seeks to help us accomplish our purpose of God-glorifying gospel-transformation.  As such, it is a process that walks individual members toward greater maturity.  We do our best to align all of our ministries with our purpose to ensure that we are not only doing good work, but the best work.  Our mission can be summarized by Gather | Grow | Go.


The first step in this process is to Gather.  Our primary gathering opportunities include worship on Sundays at 11am and 6pm.  We also encourage members and attenders to connect more deeply in community through our Sunday School classes at 9:45 and our Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays at 7pm.  It is our desire that every believer who is faithfully attending our worship services commit themselves through membership during this early stage of involvement. 


The next step in the process is to Grow.  Growth takes place throughout the week, not just during our regularly scheduled gatherings.  Therefore, we expect every member to be personally growing through Bible reading and prayer.  We also seek to foster an environment where discipleship relationships form organically as mature believers intentionally invite new believers to come alongside of them.  Another primary avenue for spiritual growth is serving.  We expect every member to be faithfully using their gifts for the building up of the body.


The third step in the process is to Go.  Mature believers are compelled to follow Christ wherever He may lead.  This begins by being a faithful witness to those around us – our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers.  Beyond that, we want to couple our bold evangelism with Kingdom Mission, where we are tangibly meeting the needs of those in our neighborhoods and the nations as a means of sharing the life-transforming message of the gospel.